Women in Leadership –

The Leadership Principle

Expect and experience Extraordinary Outcomes

Option to gain a National qualification – Program for Women in Emerging Leadership roles. A fantastic opportunity has been created to combine an existing Business Dilemma or a new Business Improvement Project in your organisation with an option of gaining a national qualification with the focus for Women in Emerging Leadership roles.

An initial 3 days of powerful strategic thinking and experiential learning for Women Business Leaders, Managers and Entrepreneurs by Women. Using Coaching College’s model, The Leadership PrincipleTM is based on the practical application of Distributed Leadership.

The Leadership PrincipleTM engages a cross functional team to consider their strengths and capitalise on the expertise of each team member. This is the heart of Distributed Leadership, capatilising on the expertise of team members at all levels of an organise to maximise efficiency and ROI. It is the approach of the leaders at the beginning of any project that sets the project up for success.

This practical approach underpinned by a change management process to solving a business dilemma that creates time, space and opportunities for teams to meet, plan, reflect, review and record the team’s learning. The Leadership PrincipleTM offers leaders and/or potential leaders the real possibility of viewing leadership through a new and alternative lens that challenges many strongly held.

This program asks the question…What does success look and feel like?


  • Creating a Plan on a Page solution for your business dilemma or business initiative
  • Innovative opportunities to exceed personal achievements and successes as a Women in a leadership or emerging leader roles
  • Understand what you ‘stand for as leader’
  • Solutions to business challenges for women by women
  • Understanding the barriers and breakthroughs needed between leaders and ‘followers’ and how leadership can be broad based, stretched and
  • extended to meet the requirements of the network or networks it serves.
  • An increase in confidence to build and lead your team with purpose.
  • An opportunity to articulate and receive feedback on your leadership style and objectives.


Learning Approach

There are two options to the learning approach:

Option A:
2 Days of face-to-face workshops. PRICE: $995 per person
The Emerging Women Leaders and Managers Program has been designed for women team leaders, supervisors and or managers. To manage and lead effectively, we use measures so participants begin with various tools to determine where they are ‘right here, right now’ and which bus they will travel to reach their destination, ensuring their journey is successful. The results are incorporated into an individual action plan to maximise the learning and ensure the goals and aspirations of both the learner and their business unit are achieved and implemented, so there is actualised impact.

Option B:
3rd Day of the workshop
Continue with your learning journey by attending the 3rd day of the workshop, which will begin your enrolment in a formal qualification in Certificate IV in Leadership and Management (BSB42015)
There are FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES for the 9 month program:
There are options for Government subsidies available under the Smart and Skilled NSW program. Enrollments for BSB42015 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management from $1,570-$1,830 dependent on eligibility. On successful completion of the 12 units of competency, participants will be awarded BSB42015 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management. *Conditions Apply

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